Kills both snails and slugs. We find slugs to be one of the most destructive orchid pests in our greenhouse, and this is what we use to keep them from destroying our orchids. An alternative to traditional slug and snail baits, Sluggo® contains iron phosphate, an organic compound that breaks down into fertilizer and remains effective up to four weeks. We often have two dogs wander within our greenhouse and this can be safely used around pets and wildlife, an important feature not found in many other slug killers.
We simply scatter the easy to spread pellets within our orchids and growing area for slug control that is safe to use and does not damage our plants. The bait is ingested by slugs and snails when they travel from their hiding places to plants. Ingestion, even in small amounts, will cause them to cease feeding giving immediate protection to your plants. After eating the bait they will stop feeding, become less mobile and begin to die within three to six days. Dead slugs and snails may not be visible, but protection is observed by the decrease in damage to our flowers and tender foliage.
• Kills Snails & Slugs.
• Can be safely used around people, pets & wildlife.
• OMRI Listed for Organic Gardening.
• Breaks down into organic fertilizer. .
• Remains effective up to four weeks.
• New lower rate, 1 lb covers up to 2,000 sq. ft.
Available in 1 and 2 1/2 pound shaker bottles.